10 month African Trails epic adventure: It's all over!

Well the trip has finished and I'm back in Blighty! But I can't be arsed finishing the blog for between Cairo and Istanbul. I'll try to get around to it soon but right now I'm just going to chill for a while.

please select a chapter

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26 October, 2008

INTRODUCTION: All About this Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. If you don't know me at all then feel free to peruse the chapter entitled "INTRODUCTION: A little bit about me". Of course that's assuming you're even remotely interested in knowing anything about me. Or perhaps you did know me but have completely forgotten, it's OK don't worry I wouldn't remember me either. If you do know me then you still might find out something that you didn't already know anyway.

Also if you're not familiar with the nature of my job then take a gander at the chapter: "INTRODUCTION: My Work on Cruise Ships". Even if you do know me well and I've bored you to death rambling on about my job you may want to take a looksie anyway.

This blog is going to be about my worldly expeditions. I work as a musician on cruise ships which leaves me plenty of time to explore and since the company pays for flights, accommodation and food the amount of money I save is quite significant. And what exactly do I use this money for you might ask? Why I spend it on traveling the world some more! You would think that working on ships that travel the world would satiate my hunger for adventure and exploration but all it does it whet my appetite and leave me wanting more.

That's what this blog is about: world travel, both when I'm working and when I'm between jobs.

This is not going to be one of those blogs where I write things that I want to tell the world. It's really more of a journal of my travels for my own personal use that I may one day glance back on when I finally lose my mind. Not that I wish to imply that others aren't welcome to take a peek at it, it would be rather myopic to start an personal online blog and then object that others are able to intrude on my private thoughts. Please feel free to leave any comments no matter who you are. I would imagine that the most likely people who are going to be viewing this are my parents anyway or friends who are polite enough to humour me when I tell them "hey check out my blog". But if you've stumbled upon my blogsite and wish to have a look around then you're more than welcome!

This is also not going to be one of those blogs where I update it every day (in fact from now on I'm going to refer to it as a journal. I really think that the word "blog" sound incredibly bloody lame). It's more likely to be updated infrequently, perhaps a few times a week or as little as once a fortnight.

It's not that my life isn't interesting enough to be able to update it every day. Far from it in fact. My intentions are to update it when I do something adventurous or exciting, such as skydiving, scuba diving, elephant riding, swimming with dolphins, jetskiing, kayaking, sled dog riding, helicopter flightseeing or climbing to the highest peak of a mountain to name quite a few. Of course those aforementioned activities I've already done but that's just an example. I would be less likely to update my blog if I spent the day sunbathing, shopping or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll around town. So if it's been a while since I last updated my journal then don't thing I'm not doing anything nice, I've just probably been spending my time on the beach in some tropical paradise doing absolutely nothing at all for the whole day! Days like that may be good for me but they don't exactly make the most fascinating stories.

My intentions are to split the journal into chapters that are titled as follows. Firstly in upper case: roughly where I am in the world and secondly: exactly what the chapter is about. For example: "ON A CRUISE SHIP: Swimming With Dolphins" or: AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND ADVENTURE: Whitewater Rafting. Whenever I change major locations, such as joining a cruise ship or going on holiday somewhere I'll try to write an introductory chapter to summarise the nature of the trip.

I may also write some chapters looking back at my time upon cruise ships, these will be entitled "-RETROSPECTIVE-" followed by the subject matter such as "The QE2" or "My First Cruise Ship". I do often enjoy reflecting on my past adventures and thinking about how lucky I was to be able to do so many amazing things so keep an eye out for those.

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